The choice of the steel goods produced by us is very various.
We specialize in producing the high-overall-dimension steel constructions (even to 18 tons) made during singular or little-run productions. We also produce light steal constructions for agriculture, the building trade and the mining industry ( load-bearing structures, the construction elements of the industrial halls). Our customers, the receivers of produced by us steel constructions, are the leading firms from the West Europe, mainly from Germany and the Great Britain and also from the USA. From the beginning we pay attention to innovations and high quality of our products.
Pointed below features of our company determine our ability to compete in the difficult West-European market:
- The high level of stored different kinds of the steel sheets, range of thickness from 10 mm to 150 mm class S235JRG2 according to the EN 10027-1 standards being kept permanently, completed 5 or 7 times a year, 300 ton every time, if there is a need (so big amount of ordered steel sheets allows to obtain the good price of purchase and in the same way let us to gain the advantage over competitors),
- Many years of experience in producing outsize, large-size steel constructions,
- The short term of accomplishing the orders with keeping all quality parameters,
- The ability to make the essential examinations,
- The high productivity of our workers ( employing 35 people we produce from 100 to 150 ton of steel constructions monthly).
- Attachment to “Kingsbury Jig & Tool Group Limited” Consortium, which owns a big capital, let us offer the advantageous trade conditions ( ex. deferred payments).
Services in the range of cutting the elements on demand dimension
In our trade offer there are services in the range of cutting from the steel sheets the elements on demand dimension on the modern plasma-gas cutters with numerical control.
Our trump cards are:
- Modern machinery – 2 modern flame cutting, plasma-gas machines MESSER with numerical control with the length of the work table 12000mm x 3000mm and 7000mm x 2500mm, what makes cutting of the elements thick from 5mm to 250mm- gas cutting and 0,5mm to 45mm – plasma cutting,
- Large stock on hand of the construction steel permanently kept level about 1000 ton class S235JRG2 in the range of thickness from 10mm to 150 mm,
- Low individual costs negotiated every time when buying cinders,
- Convenient conditions of payment,
- We also offer services related to burning from the supplied by client materials.
- We guarantee the precision in quality of work- 100% of elements repeatability, grinded and the description of the burnt elements and the fast fulfilling of the tasks we are charged with.